Happy second #WeddingWednesday ladies!! I’ve been so excited to share our engagement photos with you and a little engagement story since I decided to start up wedding Wednesdays. I’ve been so blessed with a photographer mom (she runs her own full-time photography business, Victoria Campbell Photography, and kills it! Seriously – she’s amazing) who wanted to snap some engagement photos a few weeks after the proposal happened.
So I’m going to give you guys a little back story on Alex and I before getting into the proposal details. Alex and I met about five years ago while both working at Calvin Klein. I was a manager there and we quickly became good friends while working together. Long story short, we started dating and he became a manager as well so we had to keep our relationship a secret for about a year until we left Calvin – and turned out everyone knew the entire time that we were together, lol!
We’ve been together ever since and this August, it will be our five year anniversary. We’ve always talked about marriage and I know this is going to sound a little silly but I always knew that Alex was “the one”. It’s crazy how you can just feel so certain about someone but I knew from the start that Alex was my person.
Fast forward to this past fall… we were planning a little weekend getaway to Banff and Lake Louise which has always been a dream of mine to go to! I was literally so excited that we were going and he got the time off from work. I still remember getting into Banff and being so overwhelmed and happy, it was such an amazing weekend from start to finish. When we arrived at Lake Louise on Saturday morning, I started crying from being so happy… I couldn’t help it! It started snowing and was literally perfect.
We grabbed breakfast at the Fairmont (which was delicious by the way… all travel details on that trip, find here!) and I was oblivious to what was happening shortly after. I was editing a photo during breakfast because I was way too excited to share the view and Alex kept asking me to wait until later to edit it… which I did think was a little strange since he knew I would be sharing in the moment pics during this trip! I didn’t really think anything of it and wrapped up quickly to enjoy the rest of breakfast together…
So right after breakfast, we headed outside to the Lake where the sun was shining and it was so beautiful. The Lake was a bright turquoise color and it was truly breathtaking. Both of us were snapping photos and finding the best spots to do so. We decided to walk around the lake and I kept asking Alex to stop every 3 seconds because there were so many perfect spots, lol. When we stopped at one of the specific spots… I ran to the edge and started snapping away and kept talking to him but he kept silent. I turned around to ask him a question and there he was…. on one knee!!!! All I could say was “are you serious?!?!” and he laughed and say yes. He was recording this moment from the time I started taking photos to the time I said yes and I’m so glad that we have it to watch and to show our family.
It was honestly the most perfect proposal that I could have dreamed of. It was so private which I knew meant a lot to Alex which made me so happy. It still seems surreal that it happened over three months ago… where the heck does the time go!? I’m excited to dive deeper into wedding planning this month, though! We are touring our venues that we have on the list next week so hoping to nail down a specific date soon!
Okay…. so this ended up being way longer than I had anticipated! I wanted to share the short and sweet version and this is as short as I could make it. Now onto our engagement photos! I’m so happy with the way they turned out – my mom did an amazing job! We decided on three outfits and I’m thinking of making that a whole blog post on it’s own… what to wear to engagement photos? Let me know if you girls want to see that next! xoxo

These are so cute!! So happy for you guys😊💗
Thank you so much, Nicole!! Appreciate that 🙂
Could you share the video?! I would LOVE to see it!! I get if if you don’t want to though because it’s private, but it made me excited that he did recorded!
I was soo glad that he recorded!! I might share it… I can’t decide if I want to or not!! I definitely was caught off guard, lol! xo
I love reading about every couples proposal and I love love in general! This was absolutely so cute!! 🙂 Congrats! I recently just got engaged too before the new year so I’m definitely loving all the newly engaged couples!!
Aw thank you so much! & congratulations on your recent engagement, too!! So exciting 🙂
This is adorable!! Love all of those gorgeous photos of you two. I also loved seeing your proposal happen on Instagram, it was so sweet.
Best wishes planning your wedding!!
xo Amanda
Affordable by Amanda
Aw thank you so much!! Appreciate that!! xoxo