I was wayyyy excited to break out all of my Fall essentials! Of course this includes: oversized sweaters, plum lipsticks, riding boots and more importantly leather jackets! The riding leggings above have been my favorite purchase of the season! Snagged them on sale from RL for just $19!
Lately I feel like I have been drowning in all of these projects I’ve been working on…but the plus side of this hard work is the packages I receive in the mail almost daily! Here are some of the goodies: top – coral sweater from ANTHOM, bottom left – beautiful handcrafted jewelry made specifically for me by the ever so lovely Lilacs In The Sun!, bottom right – studded skull bag from the Lookbook Store!
Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays…my first costume this year was Daisy Buchanan. I loved the way my costume turned out and it ended up costing me $7! I wore the lovely Chi Chi Clothing dress, and bought the headpiece from Charlotte. My second costume was a last minute thing, I borrowed everything from a friend and went as a cat! It seemed to be a very popular costume this year.
More beautiful Fall leaves. I can’t get enough of them! Our campus is filled with trees so it is always pleasant when going to and from classes. Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram if you aren’t already! Have a great rest of your weekend!
Love your costumes! I can't believe halloween came and went like that!
xo Mel
turquoise blonde
Hey girl, saw your post on Lucky! I think the Instagram, idea is awesome!
Check out my blog if you get the chance: http://krys-gloss-blogspot.com